The Best Dog Toys, According to the Experts: Our Dogs
Dogs are the cuddliest, sweetest and silliest friends we have, but that cute and friendly exterior hides a judge-y, hard-to-please beast — when it comes to toys at least. Not every dog is going to love every toy you hand them, and if you ask any dog owner, they’ll tell you how many toys it took to find the one their loyal companion fell in love with. The perfect dog toy is tough to find, especially if you have a picky dog, but that’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best dog toys chosen by the experts: our dogs.
Finding the best dog toys to keep your furry friend thoroughly occupied even when you’re not around to play tug of war or throw a ball over and over (and over, and over) is definitely an option dog lovers should employ.
There are many dog toys to choose from, from frisbees and balls to squeakers, puzzles and food-oriented gadgets. But as any dog owner knows, a toy can be hit or miss. Maybe your pet shows zero interest in it — or worse, they chew or tug on it for a few minutes and it’s instantly shredded. So how do you find the best dog toys that are sure to guarantee hours of engagement and play?
We asked the experts: our dogs.
We surveyed the dog parents at CNET and rounded up their pups’ tried-and-true favorites. Finding an indestructible dog toy might be a tall order, but these toys have