My subconscious must have known that last month was the 25th anniversary of the release of Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee because I suddenly and inexplicably became obsessed. I watched Let’s Plays and speedruns of the game. When I finished, I went immediately to the game’s sequel, Abe’s Exodduswatching even more longplays and speedruns and scouring the Playstation and Xbox game stores for a port.
The Best Halloween Costumes for 2022
Halloween is just days away, but it’s not too late to plan your costume. Unless you’ve been working on it for weeks already, you may be a bit stressed right now. Do you go funny or sexy? Elaborate or simple? Classic or current?
While some of that is up to you, I can help point you in the right direction. Here’s a list of some of the best Halloween costumes for 2022 that would be great for anyone from a toddler to a grandparent.
For children

Halloween Costumes
Dress your child up as one of the most beloved children’s characters, the Cat in the Hat. This adorable costume requires little effort but will win every school costume contest!

Party City
Make this Halloween super and transform your child into Marvel’s leading superhero Captain America. Your kid will be able to fend off any monsters who dare cross them.

Give your child the courage to take on galaxies far, far away and dress them up as The Mandalorian this Halloween. Star Wars-themed costumes have always been a great go-to and continue to fly off the shelves at stores across the country so make sure to buy your kid’s costume early.

This is a personal favorite of mine. An inflatable dino costume always kills at every costume contest and will make your child the star of the school.

Halloween Costumes
When in doubt, a classic bat costume is always the best way to go. This bat costume is perfect